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Do you have or care for a child that is struggling with a neurological condition? Perhaps they’ve not had a diagnosis, or they have been diagnosed; maybe a doctor has mentioned terms like neurotransmitter-related disorder or AADC deficiency as possible causes. If this is the case, you are not alone and many people in your situation are unsure what to do next or where to turn for help.
This podcast series aims to give you some of the information you need. We’ve asked the experts what essential advice they have about AADC deficiency and what you might expect as you go on this journey with your loved one. Find out more about symptoms, diagnosis, and available support by listening to the podcasts.

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Coming soon

Join us for our next podcast where we’ll be talking to the parent of a child with AADC deficiency about daily life and the realities of living with this rare condition.


The Rare Talks: About AADC podcast series is funded and produced by PTC Therapeutics Ltd. The content of the podcasts is based on the speakers’ expert opinions and professional experiences. Some content discussed in the podcast may be specific to the country the speaker practices in and may vary internationally. This information does not constitute medical advice, always speak to your doctor about any questions you may have.​

GL-AADC-0873 | May 2023

Welcome to About AADC

A website for parents and caregivers of children with AADC deficiency, and members of the public interested in the condition. This website has been provided by PTC Therapeutics.

This educational website provides information to support awareness of a rare neurotransmitter disorder called aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase (AADC) deficiency.